Alexis & Warren

About Alexis & Warren

It may be cliche but true, these photos and films will outlast the flowers, the food, the cake and on a more serious note it will outlast everyone at the wedding. We want to immerse ourselves into your story and tell it so that Centuries down the road, your extended families can relive the day as if they have already known you their whole life.

Edited Photos by Alexis & Warren

3-before 5-aftershoot
4-before 2-aftershoot
2-before 4-aftershoot
1-before 3-aftershoot
5-before 1-aftershoot

Aftershoot has been nothing short of incredible. I am someone who has a long editing process and the profile I trained has been able to cut out such a significant portion of my workflow. When you compare the cost of a full year of editing vs an outsourced editor - It is unmatched. Add in the Accuracy of the edits and it really is a no brainer.

Alexis & Warren