Brendan Creaser

About Brendan Creaser

It has nothing to do with my university degrees, my love of surfing and the ocean or about my beautiful family. Or that I whole-heartedly believe there is no better job in the world than capturing the most incredible day of your life. The one thing I truly want you to understand about me, is I have zero ability to form a memory in picture form in my mind. It’s called and I’m one of the select few with it Why does this matter and why do I want you to know this? Because for as long as I can remember, taking photos has been so incredibly important for my own memory of events. I therefore look for really beautiful moments, that show emotion and are alive and complex but can be simplified by one single picture. When I have a camera in my hand I’m constantly on the search for anything I want a visual memory of, and that’s how I approach the day for you, tirelessly on the hunt for those moments you'll want to remember in detail forever.

Edited Photos by Brendan Creaser

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Aftershoot's AI editing is a game-changer for my wedding photography business. Uploading photos and getting them back practically ready to deliver saves me tons of time, it's like having an extra editor on my team! Aftershoot acts like a dynamic preset, applying my consistent look across the entire wedding day, even with changing weather conditions. No more switching presets based on weather - Aftershoot "just knows." This frees me up to spend that extra minute perfecting each photo, taking my attention to detail to a whole new level. Aftershoot gives me a fantastic base edit, so a few tweaks here and a touch of Photoshop magic there elevate my photos to the next level. This translates to stunning, personalised galleries for my couples, every time.

Brendan Creaser