Esteban Gil

About Esteban Gil

Over the decades, he has honed his raw creative abilities into a talent that is undeniable. Esteban places importance in capturing emotion first and art second, but consistently succeeds in turning most every moment into artistry. His work is easily recognized by his well thought out framing, out-of-the-box creativity, and even more so his imaginative use of light – be it natural or flash. It’s no surprise that with these skills, particularly his manipulation of light, he has become a sought-after educator in flash photography, as well as an excellent representation of MagMod, as part of their Ambassador Team.

Edited Photos by Esteban Gil

9-before 9-aftershoot
12-before 12-aftershoot
13-before 13-aftershoot
14-before 14-aftershoot
7-before 7-aftershoot
6-before 6-aftershoot
3-before 3-aftershoot
4-before 4-aftershoot
5-before 5-aftershoot
1-before 1-aftershoot

Aftershoot has been the most crucial positive change to my workflow in the 12 years I’ve been a photographer. Gone are the days of spending 10-15 hours editing a single session. With Aftershoot, I can immediately run the culling and editing after every session and know that my images are roughly 90% of the way to being complete. This has not only improved how much time it takes me to deliver my images but, It has given the freedom to do more things that I love. Whether it’s working on improving other aspects of my business or having more free time with my family.

Esteban Gil