Fox & Bear Photography

About Fox & Bear Photography

The Bear half of Fox & Bear, super nerd, geek, coffee drinker, board game enthusiast and the best self taught wedding photographer in the biz. The Fox half of Fox & Bear, I am often the invisible person working hard behind the scenes. I'm often asked if I feel like I miss out by not attending the weddings, but honestly, I feel like I have been there. I've been known to wave at people who I think I know, but who don't necessarily know me. Awkward!

Edited Photos by Fox & Bear Photography

4-before 5-aftershoot
3-before 3-aftershoot
1-before 2-aftershoot
2-before 1-aftershoot

Aftershoot has not only made our editing lives easier and saved us countless hours, but it's become an invaluable tool in our workflow. The ability to edit all our images before even starting the cull has allowed us to see what our final work is going to be like even before starting the edit. Absolute life saver

Fox & Bear Photography