
About Nichole

I'm a mama of 2 *wild* kiddos that make up everything that I am. Anyone with kiddos knows how much they can challenge you, and somehow at the same time force you into becoming the best version of yourself. I can, without a doubt, say they’re the reason I picked up a camera to begin with. As I watched them grow (at what felt like such a rapid rate), I kept wondering how I could cherish these memories forever. The only way I knew how was to freeze time, which led me to purchasing my first camera and never looking back. Every time my kids hit a new milestone, or laugh with each other until their stomachs hurt, or go to the beach and run into the water, I can take the picture that helps us re-live the moment for years to come; these pictures that bring us back to the salty air, the humidity, the taste of that over-sugared ice pop, the smell of the sunscreen, and that toothless smile that will never fade from a photograph.

Edited Photos by Nichole

2-before 1-aftershoot
5-before 7-aftershoot
4-before 5-aftershoot
3-before 4-aftershoot
1-before 2-aftershoot

Aftershoot has saved me SO much time in my workflow! As a photog that also is a single mama to 2 young kiddos and has a full time job, it has taken a huge weight off my shoulders and kept me super productive. I will always use Aftershoot!
