Yana Penava

About Yana Penava

I have been photographing since 2010. I live in a small village with 40 inhabitants, near the sea. I travel a lot, move a lot, read a lot. I am interested in capturing and creating worlds. In discovering new worlds. In dreaming. In playing with the imagination - both mine and someone else's. I'm curious. I photograph weddings and families. Weddings, because I empathize with people's happiness, I enter their world and their emotion for a while. The weddings I love to photograph the most are the ones that have soul and less vanity. Families, because for me this is happiness and meaning. My son is the most meaningful and interesting thing in my life. I try to capture in a photo the relationships between people. The small gestures, the trusting glances, the warm hug, the play and the movement. As a silent observer.

Edited Photos by Yana Penava

4-before 5-aftershoot
6-before 3-aftershoot
9-before 10-aftershoot
8-before 8-aftershoot
5-before 7-aftershoot
7-before 9-aftershoot
4-before 5-aftershoot
1-before 4-aftershoot
3-before 2-aftershoot
10-before 1-aftershoot
2-before 6-aftershoot

Aftershoot saves me a lot of time and time for me is important, because it is limited, you can not stretch it, you can not take it back. What used to take me 3 days before to edit, now takes me only 1 day. The other 2 now I can spend with my family and friends or by myself seeking inspiration. I have edited about 40 000 photos with Aftershoot. It is doing a great job!

Yana Penava